Pro-active & client-focused Employer's Agent service

At Quoinstone, we have extensive experience in providing a comprehensive Employer’s Agent service on design and build contracts.
An Employer’s Agent is key to the success of a project. We provide the essential link between you and your contractor, making sure that the work is completed on time and to budget, and that quality standards are achieved.
Our approach is flexible, and our service is tailored to your specific needs. We’re highly experienced across a range of project types and sectors, which makes us ideally placed to identify and manage key project issues.
Unlike the Contract Administrator role, the Employer’s Agent can be instructed at any point in the process prior to a contract being in place. Typically, we’re appointed either at concept/ design stage, tender stage or at contract.
An Employer's Agent acts on behalf of the Employer on all matters. This includes:
Receive and issue applications, consents, instructions, notices requests or statements and otherwise act for the employer under any of these conditions
Explaining the contract at each stage
Contract delivery
Management of the construction process
Administering the contractual obligations
Chairing meetings
Issuing instructions
Managing changes
Managing payments
Managing claims and disputes
Quality Inspections
Establishing and certifying when works are complete
To find out more and to discuss how our Employer’s Agent service could help your project, contact our team today.